Writing Service-What steps can you as a supervisor take to reduce resistance to change? Distinguish the difference between creativity and innovation in a work environment.

Writing Service-What steps can you as a supervisor take to reduce resistance to change? Distinguish the difference between creativity and innovation in a work environment.

Change is a very tricky effort regarding implementation throughout an organization. Think of simple change as it affects just yourself regarding the everyday things you face. If we have to stop someplace different in the morning because our favorite coffee shop closes, or we have to detour because of roadwork, we feel angst and fear the unknown I many instances.

  1. What steps can you as a supervisor take to reduce resistance to change?
  2. Distinguish the difference between creativity and innovation in a work environment. Cite specific examples.
  3. Describe how a supervisor can foster change and innovation through culture.
  4. Change is a constant for organizations and thus for managers. Because change can’t be eliminated, managers must learn how to manage it successfully. Because innovation is often closely tied to an organization’s change efforts, managers must know how to manage it as well. In this unit, we’re also going to look at what it means to be socially responsible and ethical and what role managers play in both.
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