Writing Service-What evidence does the author use to support the thesis/argument(s) or support his/ her main point?

Writing Service-What evidence does the author use to support the thesis/argument(s) or support his/ her main point?

What evidence does the author use to support the thesis/argument(s) or support his/ her main point? You should cite page numbers here.

i. “They focused on administering their own demesne” Pg. 254 Comment by Sarah: You are not explaining why you are using these quotes, so I have no idea why you think that they are providing good evidence for the author’s claims. Focus on what type of sources/evidence the author uses. Does he use primary source documents to support his claims? Does he use archaeological material? Some of the quotes that you have here are also not on the page listed.

ii. “for all his pious dedication to the Church, Louis VII did not take action to limit its legal jurisdiction within France” Pg. 256

iii. “The monarchy had become strong enough to overrun some smaller baronies and so begin the process of linking together their demesnal lands into a patchwork quilt.” Pg. 254

iv. “At the same time he retained iron-fisted control over ecclesiastical appointments and saw to it that the Church served his ends as well as God’s. he also issued a new codification of English Law, one that recognized and confirmed Anglo-Saxon customs and privileges.” Pg. 2

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