Writing Service-Technological Transformations?

Writing Service-Technological Transformations?

How did the printing press transform human knowledge? How do you see the necessary simplicity of oral communication affecting the depth of understanding that people had about the news, so to speak? How would the fact that most information about the world, most news, came from the pulpit affect the transmission of this information to villagers and townspeople? How did the printing press change this?

Compare thMappa Mundi (Map of the World) with Ptolemy’s map. What does Ptolemy’s map allow that the Mappa Mundi does not? Why was the discovery of Ptolemy’s map so important? How did it change the way people saw the universe? Likewise, compare memory and print in terms of how they changed the meaning of knowledge and how people saw their universe.

How do the following quotations illustrate the tension between science and religion in the Renaissance? How did new cosmological discoveries contribute to the establishment of the Chu

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