Writing Service-Programming Case Study

Writing Service-Programming Case Study

1. In a narrative format, discuss the key facts and critical issues presented in the case.

2. Review the five stages of customer loyalty shown in Figure 4-4 and prepare a report in which you classify (Case Study Company) customers. Estimate the percentage of (Case Study Company) customers who fall into each of the five categories. Support your classification with logic and evidence from the case narrative.

3. Recommend an e-mail marketing strategy for (Case Study Company). In your recommendation, consider the results of (Case Study Company) earlier print mail advertising campaign, your answer to the first requirement, and the potential offered by permission marketing.

4. Prepare a report in which you outline an affiliate marketing strategy for (Case Study Company). Include a description of the types of Web sites that (Case Study Company) should attempt to recruit as affiliates, and present at least five examples of specific sites that would be good referral sources.

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