Writing Service-iscuss the historical perspective of the time when the policy was discussed or implemented. Indicate the context or the problem of the day and the urgency for the policy.

Writing Service-iscuss the historical perspective of the time when the policy was discussed or implemented. Indicate the context or the problem of the day and the urgency for the policy.

The purpose of this assignment is to introduce students to a particular policy issue that has been discussed on two (2) presidential administrations; when the policy began, its impact over various sectors, and his effectiveness over time.

Pick one (1) similar federal policy that was discussed over a span of two (2) different administrations. For example, President Clinton’s and Obama’s healthcare policies or President’s George H.W. Bush’s and George W. Bush’s foreign policy.

Discuss the historical perspective of the time when the policy was discussed or implemented. Indicate the context or the problem of the day and the urgency for the policy.

Analyze the social, economic, and political environments for the times the policy was discussed or implemented.

Critique the policy for its effectiveness of the time.

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