Writing Service- Fear and Superstition in a Mining Town

Writing Service- Fear and Superstition in a Mining Town

.Rewrite your draft to produce a final polished paper.  Your final paper should include an introduction with a clear thesis statement, at least five paragraphs supporting your thesis, and a strong conclusion that summarizes your argument.

Attach your final bibliography at the end, and create a cover page with your name, date, and the title of your paper.  The title should be more than a statement of the topic, and should give the reader a sense of what the paper is about.  Examples:

Nathan Meeker: Statesman and Craftsman

The Ludlow Massacre: Fear and Superstition in a Mining Town

The Frontier: A Meeting of Cultures and of Ambitions

As with the draft, make sure each paragraph contains at least one quote from your research and that you use primary sources as well as secondary texts.  Always follow quotes with your own analysis or comment, and caption all illustrations.

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