Writing Service-Explain the features of democracy that Pericles claims make Athens a superior society. How similar is Athenian democracy to our own?

Writing Service-Explain the features of democracy that Pericles claims make Athens a superior society. How similar is Athenian democracy to our own?

1. Read the selection from Pericles Funeral Oration (attachment) Explain the features of democracy that Pericles claims make Athens a superior society. How similar is Athenian democracy to our own?

2. Read the selection by Plato (attachment). What are Plato’s arguments against democracy? What are the advantages of the form of government he proposes? Discuss whether Plato’s form of government could serve as a model today?

3. In the text and online, find examples of Greek buildings and sculpture. What are the elements of the Greek “classical style?” Can you identify buildings in the United States that use this style?

4. Look at the map of Alexander’s conquests. Name the modern countries that made up the farthest points, East, West, North, South of his empire

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