Writing Service-Explain how characteristics of the U.S. economy affect a company’s retail operations.

Writing Service-Explain how characteristics of the U.S. economy affect a company’s retail operations.

Examine the basic marketing models for a business or organization.

Explain how characteristics of the U.S. economy affect a company’s retail operations.

Explain how characteristics of the global economy affect a company’s retail operations.

Explain how characteristics of the legal and regulatory environment that affect a company’s retail operations.

Explain how characteristics of the technological forces affect a company’s retail operations.

Competency 2: Relate the importance of an integrated marketing program to the economic impact of a business.

Explain how secondary sources of information can be used in developing an integrated marketing plan.

Analyze the value of secondary sources of information to business economic success

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

Based on your research of an organization:

How does the organization’s positioning in the marketplace compare to its competitors?

How are its product lines similar or different?

If you consider a particular product category, such as outdoor apparel, how do the marketing strategies compare?

How does this relate to the target market segments for these companies?

Increasingly, social media sites are utilizing and sharing consumer information that many people consider private, such as their geographic location and their purchasing preferences. This has resulted in some controversy for organizations like Apple and Google.How can marketing departments utilize consumer information from social media to benefit their companies and their customers, while also taking into account privacy concerns?

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