Writing Service-Digital crime and digital terrorism

Writing Service-Digital crime and digital terrorism

In September 2010, Rutgers University student Tyler Clementi committed suicide by jumping off the George Washington Bridge. The suicide occurred after the 18-year-old discovered that his intimate encounter with another man in his dorm room was broadcast on the Internet. The offenders, Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei, set up a webcam and live streamed Clementi’s encounter without his knowledge. In April 2011, Ravi was indicted on 15 counts, including invasion of privacy and bias intimidation. Wei was offered a plea bargain to testify against Ravi. Neither offender was charged with the death of Tyler Clementi. Questions remain as to whether this was merely a display of cyber-hate or if this incident could legally be deemed a hate crime.

For this assignment, review the Tyler Clementi case and think about whether or not Clementi’s right to privacy was violated. Consider whether the offense should be considered cyber-hate or a hate crime. Then think about why the offenders were not legally charged with Clementi’s death.

Explain whether or not Tyler Clementi’s constitutional right to privacy was violated.

Explain whether the offense should be considered cyber-hate or classified as a hate crime.

Explain why the offenders were not legally charged with the death of Tyler Clementi.

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