Writing Service-defining who enjoyed the benefits of American freedom

Writing Service-defining who enjoyed the benefits of American freedom

Historians fiercely debate the period between the Civil War’s conclusion and the Great Depression in terms of defining who enjoyed the benefits of American freedom. One group sees these years in terms of an incredible expansion in the boundaries of belonging. Among other things, they point to the end of slavery, the Reconstruction Amendments, the Homestead Act and settlement of the West, the millions of immigrants who settled in America in these years, and women’s suffrage.

A second group argues just the opposite: they argue that the overwhelming tide of this period was a narrowing of the boundaries of belonging privileging the rights of whites, and above all white men. Among other things, they point to the failure of Reconstruction, American Indian policy in the West, segregation and disfranchisement, lynchings, American empire-building and foreign policy at the turn of the century, and immigration restriction.

For this question, take a position on this debate (for, against, or a middle ground), define why you believe this position correct, and then present three specific historical examples from this period that support your argument.

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