Writing Service-Analyze the services a person with exceptionalities might require as he or she transitions through adolescence to adulthood.

Writing Service-Analyze the services a person with exceptionalities might require as he or she transitions through adolescence to adulthood.

Transitional services are critical for helping children with exceptionalities to successfully complete their schooling and transition into adulthood. One of the more daunting transitions is from adolescence to adulthood because children no longer have regular access to the professionals they did during their school years.

Center for Parent Information and Resources. (n.d.). State agencies addressing disabilities. Retrieved from http://www.parentcenterhub.org/repository/stateagencies/

Analyze the services a person with exceptionalities might require as he or she transitions through adolescence to adulthood.

Evaluate the transitional services available for your state. Be sure to list the Web sites and names of the agencies providing these services.

Compare these to the services you listed as being desirable for a person with exceptionalities transitioning to adulthood.

Present an evaluation of the level of services available.

Describe your search for information about transitional services.

What kinds of difficulties did you encounter in locating the information you needed, if any?

  • What sources did you use?
  • How did you go about finding information?
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