Write My Thesis-What is Winkleman’s psychocultural model? In what ways does it offer advantages over traditional studies in challenging ethnocentrism and cultivating greater sensitivity to cultural awareness and diversity ?

Write My Thesis-What is Winkleman’s psychocultural model? In what ways does it offer advantages over traditional studies in challenging ethnocentrism and cultivating greater sensitivity to cultural awareness and diversity ?

1. What is Winkleman’s psychocultural model? In what ways does it offer advantages over traditional studies in challenging ethnocentrism and cultivating greater sensitivity to cultural awareness and diversity ?

2. Drawing on Levinson’s Cultural Production of the Educated Person, define how the authors provide an insight into the concept of the educated person and the role of schooling. Apply the symbolic capital of Bourdieu to two other contexts to show how the notion of the educated person is culturally constructed.

3. Summarize the ways in which communicative practices and literacy events varied in the communities studied by Heath. Explain how these cultural practices and differences determine children’s performance in school. What implications does this study have for instructional strategies in culturally heterogeneous classes?

4. Select six concepts or words from the cultures (one from each culture) we have studied such as wrugbe “the land of the dead”in Beng or rennai “perseverance” in Chinese. Explain the cultural significance of each term in socializing children into the moral values of their own culture.

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