Write My Thesis-research paper about contract with minors

Write My Thesis-research paper about contract with minors

In addition to the standard curriculum for this class, students enrolled into the Honors section are expected to produce an additional research paper and presentation, which will demonstrate a deeper understanding of topics covered in this course as well as analytical skills necessary to evaluate specific business situations. During the course of the year we’ve gone through a number of different subjects; contracts, torts, criminal law, Internet law, product liability, agency and employment law, etc. Each honors student can pick a subject that was discussed in class such as “Contracts with Minors” or “Illegal use of Copyrighted Materials”, “Ethical Scandals”, etc. and pick a recent case involving a topic you find interesting. Your professor must approve the case prior to beginning your research. If you cannot find a case, your professor might assign you one. This assignment consists of a paper and a presentation. The total points you can earn are 120, consisting of up to 100 points for your paper, and up to 20 points for your presentation. The honors project is worth 30% of your entire course grade. Please follow instructions on the next pages.

Research Paper: • Research and develop a draft thesis statement about a topic of interest to you. Ask your

professor to review your statement, discuss your paper. Once your professor approves your topic, begin your research.

• Create an outline for your paper and share it with your instructor for approval. • Your paper must be a minimum of 10 pag

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