Write My Term Paper:Political Participation

Write My Term Paper:Political Participation

  • multiple types of elections this country hosts (e.g. midterm, gubernatorial, legislative approval, local, etc.).
  • Feel free to mention if you’ve already participated in some fashion, in the election/campaigning process (e.g. canvassed for candidates, researched issues/laws, made phone calls, passed out information/literature and answered questions on behalf of candidates, block-walked, etc.).
  • Mention any candidates and/or currently elected officials that you know speak to these members of society, that may have described specific policy directed to their needs (e.g. if these members of society live in impoverished communities, or are dealing with intense crime the candidate has committed to change ~ perhaps in the form of community/economic development programs; or interested in reversing law that would allow felons another chance at voting; etc.).
  • Review the issues being voted on, and share your opinion regarding what you would support/oppose and why.
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