Write My Term Paper-What steps should project managers take in order to ensure that the work of the project team is distributed equally among the members of the team? What can team members do to support the project manager in this effort?

Write My Term Paper-What steps should project managers take in order to ensure that the work of the project team is distributed equally among the members of the team? What can team members do to support the project manager in this effort?

Question 1 Corporations have downsized over the last 25 to 30 years and, as a result, have eliminated layers of management—particularly middle management. To what degree, if any, does this change the role of the leader?

Question 2. What steps should project managers take in order to ensure that the work of the project team is distributed equally among the members of the team? What can team members do to support the project manager in this effort?


Project teams often experience conflict in various forms. Describe at least three approaches to dealing with and resolving conflict between individual team members. Identify which, if any, should be considered as the optimal approach.

Question 4. The punctuated equilibrium model suggests that teams eventually gel and begin to perform once time constraints become a pressing concern. In your experience, does this model reflect actual team development and performance, or does the five-stage model of team development offer a more realistic approach?

Question 5 Can virtual teams be as successful as onsite teams? Why, or why not?

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