Write My Term Paper-research and develop a more complete appreciation of business operations and administration.

Write My Term Paper-research and develop a more complete appreciation of business operations and administration.

In almost every health care organization, no matter the size, there are several departments or individuals that work to support the overall goal of the organization. Not one department is less important than the other, because all departments work together in some manner to support the quality of health care provided. For example, the Facility Management Department’s goals may include ensure cleanliness of the organization and maintaining of grounds (i.e., landscaping). This indirectly impacts quality, as these goals are appreciated by consumers.  Non-clinical support services such as (but not limited to) maintenance, engineering, finance, human resources, admission, compliance, and security all have an important role in health care business operations and administration.

Use the online library, internet, required reading, and other resources to research and develop a more complete appreciation of business operations and administration.

Based on your research, select two (2) non-clinical areas/departments of business operations and/or administration that support each other closely (e.g., Billing and Compliance).

In the first part of this assignment you are to choose one (1) of the two (2) selected non-clinical area of business operations and/or administration (e.g., Billing). You are to prepare a 2-page informational report that identifies:

Leader of the department (e.g., V.P. of Billing)

At least two (2) sub-departments (e.g., Collections and Coding)

Manager and two (2) key personnel in each sub department (e.g., Manger of Collections: Collections Coordinator and Payment Posting Analyst)

Services provided in selected department.

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