Write My Term Paper-Managing Deviant Careers and Identities
Managing Deviant Careers and Identities
41. Is the Street Child Phenomenon Synonymous with Deviant Behavior?, Johann le Roux, Cheryl Sylvia Smith
42. Being Middle Eastern American: Identity Negotiation in the Context of the War on Terror, Amir Marvasti
Transforming Deviance: Conceptions, Actors, and Organizations
43. Reform the Law: Decriminalization, Samuel Walker
44. The Professional Ex-: An Alternative for Exiting the Deviant Career, J. David Brown
45. Race and Policing, Jim Leitzel
Points Possible: 20
Deliverable Length: 2-3 pages
Due: Friday, April 15, 11:55 pm
Answer two questions:
2. Marvasti combines the concepts of stigma management (Goffman) and accounts (Lyman and Scott) in describing the negotiation of “being Middle Eastern American.” List and discuss the five types of accounting and interpretive practices in the research. Which one do you thing is the most important in managing everyday interactions?
3. Summarize Jim Leitzel’s analysis of race-based policing in the U.S. How does race-based policing relate to wider conceptions of racial discrimination in society?