Write My Term Paper-Identify at least one risk that pertains to each project and place these risks, stated as undesirable events, as headings of columns in the table.  Now enter “X’s” in the table to identify which risk pertains to which project.

Write My Term Paper-Identify at least one risk that pertains to each project and place these risks, stated as undesirable events, as headings of columns in the table.  Now enter “X’s” in the table to identify which risk pertains to which project.

Prepare a table (Table 1) that lists the eight projects you presented in the Week 1 Assignnment in rows.  Identify at least one risk that pertains to each project and place these risks, stated as undesirable events, as headings of columns in the table.  Now enter “X’s” in the table to identify which risk pertains to which project.  At least four of the risks you choose to include in the table must pertain to more than one project and you must indicate this in the table with the use of the “X” designators;

Prepare another table (Table 2) that lists the same eight projects presented in the table above.  Identify at least one resource that will be required for each project and state these resources as headings in the columns in the table.  Now enter “X’s” in the table to identify which risk pertains to which project At least four of the resources you choose to include in the table must be required by more than one project and you must indicate this in the table with the use of the “X” designators;

Summarize Table 1, discuss the risks that pertain to more than one project, and reflect on possible implications for the organization and its project managers of risks that pertain to more than one project.

Summarize Table 2, discuss the resources that will be needed by more than one project, explain why the time dimension of resource requirements must be analyzed to determine if these resources will be constrained, and discuss how a resource leveling table can be used to resolve resource conflicts amongst projects.

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