Write My Term Paper-Discuss any barriers associated with the implementation of your capstone project

Write My Term Paper-Discuss any barriers associated with the implementation of your capstone project
In this task, you will create the remaining chapters of your final capstone written report. Chapters 1 and 2 were created and evaluated as part of your field experience. In this task, you will create chapters 3, 4, and 5, as well as an abstract for your entire report.

A. Evaluate how you implemented your capstone project by doing the following:

1. Describe the actual steps taken to implement your capstone project.

2. Discuss any changes that occurred to the original implementation plan during this process.

3. Discuss any barriers associated with the implementation of your capstone project.

a. Explain how you overcame the barriers discussed in part A3.

B. Identify inter professional relationships that promoted implementation of your capstone project.

1. Discuss how the relationships identified in part B facilitated the implementation of your project.

C. Discuss the most successful aspects of your capstone project.

1. Explain how the successes of your project can help to inform future projects.

D. Discuss aspects of your project that did not go as well as anticipated.

1. Explain how understanding of what did not go well can help to inform future projects.


F. Discuss the organization’s plan to support the post implementation of the capstone project, including plans for short- and long-term maintenance.

G. Discuss the resources needed for post implementation support.

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