Write My Research Paper-what do you think are the most important/heart-churning effects of violence on society and personal health? What can be done?

Write My Research Paper-what do you think are the most important/heart-churning effects of violence on society and personal health? What can be done?

what do you think are the most important/heart-churning effects of violence on society and personal health? What can be done?

discuss what you learned about your own moral reasoning compared with the moral reasoning of others who participated in this experiment (this will be available to you in the analysis section).

  1. In the preliminary questions, what answers did you select and why did you select them?
  2. In the scenario questions, (The Runaway Train, The Fat Man on the Bridge, The Saboteur, and The Fat Man and the Ticking Bomb), what answers did you select and why did you select them?
  3. In the analysis section, were your preliminary answers and your scenario answers consistent? If not, why not?
  4. How do your answers compare with the answers of others who also participated in this experiment?
  5. What does this experiment tell you about yourself and others in terms of moral reasoning?
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