Write My Research Paper- What do you make of Plato’s notion of a Form or Eidos or Idea?

Write My Research Paper- What do you make of Plato’s notion of a Form or Eidos or Idea?

1. What do you think about Heraclitus’ idea that ‘”very thing is in a state of constant flux or change”?

2. Do you agree with Parmenides that ‘that which is real is that which is permanent’?

3. What do you make of Plato’s notion of a Form or Eidos or Idea?

4. Do you agree with Plato that perhaps there are two kinds of reality: one of Being and one of Becoming?

5. Do you agree with Plato that there might be degrees of knowledge and that we have to ascend each level?

6. What do you make of the notion of “Innate Ideas”, that is, those that are present at birth and latent?

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