Write My Research Paper-Identify the R-squared value for this data set, along with the R-value. Explain what each means.

Write My Research Paper-Identify the R-squared value for this data set, along with the R-value. Explain what each means.

A human resources (HR) manager wants to know if annual performance review scores can be predicted by the number of vacation days taken during the year and the number of dependents an employee claims. She randomly pulls the vacation, W-2, and performance review records of twenty employees. The data is presented  in the attached document


Using the attached data, run a correlation matrix and then run a regression analysis in Microsoft Excel that will answer the human resources (HR) manager’s question. Examine the results and consider the implications. Write a 3- to 4-page paper based on the results and implications. Make sure to include your data printout and justify your responses. In your paper, address the following questions:

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