Write My Research Paper-Describe and analyze the five elements of a contract that must exist for this agreement to be enforceable.

Write My Research Paper-Describe and analyze the five elements of a contract that must exist for this agreement to be enforceable.

Describe and analyze the five elements of a contract that must exist for this agreement to be enforceable.  What are the five elements the book discusses? Detail those elements and then apply them to the paper’s scenario.

Explain why this contract is governed by common law or the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).  When is a contract governed by common law?  By the UCC?  Provide details on these and then address what this contract falls under and the reasons why.

Examine at least two circumstances in which this non-compete agreement would be unenforceable.   What makes a noncompetition clause unenforceable?  Be careful:  what makes a contract illegal and what makes a noncompetition clause unenforceable are different factors.  Pay attention to that in your textbook. Look under the heading that states Overly Broad Noncompetition Contracts.

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