Write My Essay-To kill a mockingbird final assignment

Write My Essay-To kill a mockingbird final assignment

One of the reasons To Kill a Mockingbird was voted \\\”Best Novel of the Century\\\” by the Library Journal is because Harper Lee provides a hauntingly vivid portrayal of everyday people behaving in ways that go against their morals or break the rules to protect their own interests.

Sometimes, those actions are honorable and we can respect them while other times, those actions are hurtful and repulsive. It is easy to say, \\\”Oh, I would never do the things they did,\\\” but upon closer examination, we might find that always abiding by our conscience is a much more difficult task than meets the eye.

For this writing assignment, select a character and write a 500-word, five-paragraph persuasive essay from his or her point of view and in defense of his or her actions. Your job is to convince the reader that the character is justified in breaking the rules.

Your essay should have a clear introduction and thesis statement, at least three different logical arguments defending your character\\\’s actions, and a thoughtful conclusion. Be consistent as you develop your character\\\’s voice in the essay. Add figurative language (such as metaphors, imagery, idioms, and allusions); and check for mistakes in grammar, mechanics, and spelling.

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