Write My Easy-Identify and explain at least three aspects of wu wei (non-doing) that would be practical in the busy lives of city dwellers, especially those living in the West

Write My Easy-Identify and explain at least three aspects of wu wei (non-doing) that would be practical in the busy lives of city dwellers, especially those living in the West

Identify and explain at least three aspects of wu wei (non-doing) that would be practical in the busy lives of city dwellers, especially those living in the West

you are selecting one of your works of art for stage 5 and writing a more in-depth essay. You can include the information you wrote in stage 4 about the one artwork then expand on it; possibly it can serve as an overview or introductory statement. Or, you can mix the content from 4 within the in-depth content for 5. One strong direction will be to bring in an outside and contemporary artworks or works that would make a great comparative study and help to progress your narrative and connections between the past and the present. Or, you could further discuss the elements and principles of art focusing on a particular element or principle. Or, possibly talk about the iconography more extensively than the short descriptions written for Stage 4.

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