Write My Easy-Did World War II redraw the boundaries of American citizenship? Compare the experiences of blacks during World War I and during World War II.

Write My Easy-Did World War II redraw the boundaries of American citizenship? Compare the experiences of blacks during World War I and during World War II.

Did World War II redraw the boundaries of American citizenship? Compare the experiences of blacks during World War I and during World War II.

Franklin D. Roosevelt said that to be an American has always been a “matter of mind and heart,” and “never . . . a matter of race or ancestry.” Was this true for African Americans? How did the language of freedom and democracy help open doors of opportunity for African Americans? What obstacles remained for full success?

7.) Eric Foner wrote, “the language with which World War II was fought helped to lay the foundation for postwar ideals of human rights that extend to all mankind.” Do you agree with the statement as it pertains to African Americans? For African Americans, during World War II and the postwar era, what freedoms were extended or contracted?

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