Write My Easy-Complete Social Work Assignment

Write My Easy-Complete Social Work Assignment

in this section by identifying the major subsections that will follow in your thesis statement.

Nature of the problem: Address the prevalence of teen parenting, changes over time, and consequences of teen parenting.

Causes of the problem: Apply theoretical and social work knowledge to this issue and explain some of the risks associated with teen parenting (for example, mental health outcomes for the parent, abusive parenting practices). The causes you describe here should be directly related to the proposed interventions.

Interventions: This section should be the most substantive part of this literature review. Review interventions that have been utilized to serve teen parents. Note that this is a literature review, not an annotated bibliography, so you should be integrating your discussion of various studies. Include a paragraph about what is not known about solving the problem and current gaps in knowledge.

Summary: This section should point out the major areas of knowledge that have yet to be developed regarding this topic and identify the unique contributions your study makes to this need; point out the importance of learning the new information your study will offer.

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