Write My Easy-Compare Salignac Gestion’s Opportunities Fund and PMStanley’s

Write My Easy-Compare Salignac Gestion’s Opportunities Fund and PMStanley’s
Compare Salignac Gestion’s Opportunities Fund and PMStanley’s

(1) Calculate Parity Pricing for passively managed funds.


(2) Compare Salignac Gestion’s Opportunities Fund and PMStanley’s Growth Replication Index Fund from a cost perspective over a 20-year horizon, assuming a $10,000 initial investment, and annual returns of 10%. Which of the following answers is the correct one:  a) investors would earn 63% more with Salignac; b) investors would earn 63% more with PM Stanley; c) the results would be the same.


(3) You work for a fund management company that plans to launch an actively managed fund with a so-called Quality Pricing strategy. What is the annual management fee of this fund if it plans to charge 0.75% above Parity Pricing?

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