Write My Dissertation-Marketing Plan

Write My Dissertation-Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan

Like other products and services, health care products and services must be marketed to potential consumers. To do this effectively, health care organizations must develop marketing plans. These plans provide organizations and their leaders with common goals for their products and services. Moreover, by relating the marketing plan to the mission, vision, and objectives of the organization, marketing plans become a tool in the strategic decision-making process. For the Final Project, you create a marketing plan for a health care organization.

To prepare:

the following case studies from the Learning Resources to be the focus of your Final Project

Thrive or Revive? The Kaiser Permanente “Thrive” Marketing Program

Review the case study and consider how you might market the health care organization. For guidance on developing a marketing plan, refer to Chapter 15, “Marketing Planning” in this week’s Learning Resources.

The Assignment

Part 1

In a 20 pages marketing plan, address the following:

State assumptions

Gather initial information

Audit the market

Determine the marketing strategy and business communication standards to be used

Assess due diligence (any operational, financial, or human resources requirements needed to implement the plan)

Set marketing goals and objectives

Describe any benchmarks from other competitors or industries

Prioritize marketing objectives

Specify marketing actions

Explain any global marketing issues in the marketing plan

Specify any limitations to implementing the plan

Part 2

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