Write My Dissertation-Global Strategy Plan: 

Write My Dissertation-Global Strategy Plan:

Final Examination Global Strategy Plan:

Select a company (existing or a new business). As a consultant, your have been hired by the Board of Directors of the company to develop a global strategy plan for the company. You need to make a recommendation (why, how, and when) to the board in regards to their existing and future global strategic plan. This global strategic plan will be presented to the company’s Board of Directors, CEO and Chairman. 

The comprehensive consultative report (approximately 10 pages) should have the following coverage: 

•Title Page
•Table of Contents
•Firm Analysis (brief history, product / service offerings, financial condition, management philosophy / culture, current and past global position / strategy, etc.) ◦Industry Analysis (Domestic and Global)
◦Industry growth, trends, characteristics
◦Competitive Analysis
◦5 Forces of Competitiveness
◦Other Factors, if applicable: Technology, Politics, Society, consumer trends, environment, natural disasters, government, economy, etc.

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