How to write an Annotated Bibliography-Custom essay writing help

How to write an Annotated Bibliography-Custom essay writing help

An annotated bibliography is a comprehensive bibliography on a topic that includes annotations. Annotations are summaries identifying the main argument, evaluating the argument (assessing its value), and explain why it is important/relevant for your topic. (Your final annotated bibliography will also include a two-page topic summary explaining what the topic is and why it is important to learn about.) Researchers use annotated bibliographies to become familiar with a topic before they write a research paper or do a research project on that topic. Going through this process helps you learn about a topic of interest to you without writing out a full research paper on it. It’s a method of independent study with a certain degree of flexibility

The topic you choose can be anything related to one of the subfields of anthropology. You need a topic that is not too specific such as: macaque food procurement in Varanasi, India. It also shouldn’t be too broad: primate-human interactions. Instead, choose a narrowed topic that you will still be able to find information on such as: primate-human interactions in major cities.How to Write

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