Workplace stress

Workplace stress can have long-term effects. Our text identifies the  following four areas which can increase this type of stress:

  • Role conflict: two or more incompatible demands at work or across work and non-work roles
  • Role ambiguity: vagueness or unclearness in role responsibilities and functions
  • Workload incompatibility: occurs when the amount of work to be accomplished exceeds the employee’s capabilities
  • Job insecurity: the feeling that the security of one’s job is unstable

In addition, happiness and positivity can lead to personal success  and further indicates the following ideas to increase one’s happiness:

  • Setting challenging and meaningful goals
  • Disputing negative thinking and deliberately practicing positive self-talk
  • Choosing to forgive others and let go of grudges and hard feelings
  • Counting one’s blessings and intentionally expressing gratitude for them
  • Visualizing future success
  • Practicing healthy habits such as a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and regular exercise

Thus, hypothetically these suggestions  and ideas can be applied to each of our lives. Whether you are working  and going to school, or just going to school, they are applicable since  school, too, is an organization.

After reading and viewing all of the required resources this week,  consider all of the factors related to a person’s health and the  workplace, how can you apply the concepts to your own life right now?

Your journal should be a minimum of four to five double-spaced pages,  adequately discuss all questions posed, and demonstrate maturating  self-awareness.

  • This is a reflection based on all of your required resources for the  week and you will not be required to use additional sources.
  • Use the rubric to check for thoroughness of your writing.
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