WLE LIN 6675 Spring 2018 Error Analysis/Treatment Assignment Help

Error Analysis/Treatment Assignment WLE LIN 6675
Spring 2018
This assignment may be completed individually or in pairs. For this assignment, you will analyze an ESL writing sample and discuss how you would treat the errors in the sample. Go to http://www.learnalberta.ca/content/eslapb/writing_samples.html and choose one sample from the following: Grade 9, Level 3, Grade 10, Level 2, and Grade 12, Level 2. To gain a better understanding of the writing samples, you may want to browse the website http://www.learnalberta.ca/content/eslapb/index.html
Your paper should include a brief introduction and explanation of the source of the writing sample. Then, it should be divided into two major parts. Be sure to include the following information in each part:
1. Error Analysis: In this part of your paper, identify and explain all grammar errors in the writing sample. Use our textbook as a reference in determining grammar errors. Spelling errors should not be included. Number each sentence in the writing sample and identify all the errors in that sentence (A table displaying all the errors would also work). Then, explain the precise nature of each error using appropriate terminology (the same way we explain why sentences are ungrammatical in class).
2. Error Treatment: In this part of your paper, explain how you would treat the errors. What patterns did you see? Which errors would you treat and how would you treat them? Provide a rationale for what you would do and a discussion of the activities you would use to help the student practice the correct patterns. Use research (minimum 6 sources—you may use one article from the course readings and the textbook) to support your decisions. All sources used for the paper must be properly cited. Be sure to follow the APA citation format.
3. Attach the writing sample you analyzed. Also, include a cover page and a references list.
The error analysis assignment is due at the beginning of class on April 19th and will be graded based on the following:
Identification and explanation of grammar errors: Maximum 10 points (based on the thoroughness and accuracy of error identification and analysis/explanation)
Discussion of error treatment: Maximum 7 points (based on the explanation and support of rationale for error treatment and quality of discussion on error treatment activities)
Format and language use: Maximum 3 points (based on adherence to proper academic format, style, and language use)

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