What are the 3 most vital elements of birth planBuy Coursework: Coursework Writing

What are the 3 most vital elements of birth planBuy Coursework: Coursework Writing

1) How is your pregnancy going? Is it what you expected?

2) Are you feeling rested? Restless? Any interesting dreams?

3) Have there been any problems with this pregnancy? If so, what?

4) Which prenatal tests, if any, have you had? Results?

5) What childbirth education have you taken?

6) Who have you chosen to be with you during this birth and what role will each person play?

7) Have you told you doctor/midwife that you are hiring a labor assistant?

8) How do you imagine I can be most helpful to you and also you partner?

9) Imagine you ideal birth. What makes it ideal?

10) Have you completed your birth plan?

11) What are the 3 most vital elements of your birth plan (in order of importance)?

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