Website Design

Based on the design plan you created in Week Two, create the website for Philomena’s Pet Shop using Adobe®  Muse.

Create a single webpage  for Philomena’s Pet Shop. This page should promote the client’s shop,  provide information to locate and contact the shop, a brief overview  about the products and services provided, and any other information that  you believe customers should know.

Be sure to add the logo in  web format that you created in Week Three. Also, add a page title,  images, use a good color scheme, and use at least two different fonts.

Use effective design elements and principles to create a visually appealing and professional site.

Include only non-copyrighted images for the website.

Save all images, HTML files, CSS files, and other web elements within the same folder on your computer.

Compress the entire folder as a ZIP file for submission.

Submit the ZIP file containing the one-page website to the Assignment Files tab.

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