volunteer Management

volunteer Management
You will be required to complete an individual project. The following is a list of example projects.
Please remember that is only an example list and that you are encouraged to use their creativity when
designing a project as the projects should reflect your unique interests, knowledge and abilities.
Example assignment projects:
1. Develop a volunteer recruitment package
2. Develop a 3-day orientation workshop/program for new volunteers
3. Design a reward/recognition package for volunteers
4. Develop a volunteer policy manual
5. Design a motivational program for stressed/burned out volunteers
6. Develop a resource manual on volunteers in sport
7. Design a recruitment campaign for volunteers, complete with job
description, recruitment sources, selection methods, etc.
Individual Assignment Points of Reference:
• This assignment is a very creative piece of assessment. I would suggest you look online at
how current organisations have developed “how to guides” for volunteers in the specific area
you are developing your assignment around i.e. recruitment, rewards and recognition.
• There are no genetic and or standard templates for the planning, developing
and implementing of Volunteer Programs. However, use the following hints to help you doing
this project
• In the first page you will provide a short (approximately 350 words) statement outlining why
and how this project will be used for volunteers with references and resources used to
organise the application project. Also, explain the area that this will apply to i.e. sport
volunteers, welfare volunteers. Be sure to include any references used. Ensure you also
explain the theory and concepts that has lead you to develop the practical aspect of the
• Some of your information will be appendices i.e. advertisements if you are doing a recruitment
campaign. Please ensure you put these in at the end of your report.
• Ensure you provide in text referencing and a reference list in APA or Harvard Style

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