Hand-In Assignment 2: “Viral Marketing Analysis and Plan”
Overview: This assignment gives you practice with analyzing viral marketing and
developing a potential viral marketing plan.
To provide practice and the opportunity to demonstrate your abilities in
1. Analyzing marketing campaigns
2. Using academic resources
3. Writing with integrity
This assignment is worth 55% of your total course grade.
Guidance and Expectations for Assignment
Type of Assignment: Professional Business Report using APA for citing and
Length: 3,000 words
Due: Last day of Module 6
For this Assignment, imagine that you are an e-marketing expert who has been asked
to carry out some research in order to analyze why certain marketing campaigns
become viral.
Write a report in which you do the following:
• Carefully examine the content aspect of viral campaigns and their relationship
with customer behavior.
• Suggest why certain campaigns become viral.
• Create a strategic plan to be followed by an organization in order to assist them
in creating a viral campaign.
Support your analysis through the use of academic sources.
Document Presentation Requirements
• Font size = 12
• Line spacing = either 1.5 or double spaced
• Page numbers = on each page
• A title page that includes
o Your full name
o The course number and title
Glion Institute of Higher Education
M932 ospitality Services Marketing
Hand-In Assignment 2: “Viral Marketing Analysis and Plan”
o The assignment number and title
o The word count (not including the title page or Reference List)
• You must follow APA guidelines to create the Reference List and all in-text
• Save your assignment with the filename
Grading for this Assignment
This assignment is worth 55% of your total course grade.
The KASAP Dimensions are weighted for this assignment as follows:
Knowledge = 25%
Analysis = 25%
Synthesis = 10%
Application = 25%
Presentation = 15%
All grades are provisional and subject to approval by the Progression / Awards Committee.
Viral Marketing Analysis and Plan
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