Violence against women and the Social, Cultural, Political and Economic Issues that Arise-Write my Essay

Violence against women and the Social, Cultural, Political and Economic Issues that Arise-Write my Essay

1.What are current laws and punishments that impact your topic(s) in this country? (3 points)

2. How is this topic(s) relevant to issues regarding intersectionality/intersecting identities in this country? Choose two identities. For example: in what ways is this topic relevant and impacted by race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, class, religion, etc in this country? (4 points)

3. You want to answer questions about prevalence, frequency, and duration (e.g. How often does the problem occur? How long has this been going on? Has the problem worsened over time? etc). Make sure to include statistics here (3 points)

4. Describe how individuals in this country and various cultures within this country conceptualize and think about this topic(s)? (1 point)

5. Identify a non-profit organization or non-governmental organization that is addressing your topic(s) in this country. What are their goals/mission? How successful have they been? (1 points)

6. List and describe at least two different systems, institutions, or processes that contribute to this issue/ problem (for example: capitalism, globalization, culture, poverty, politics, technology, military presence/war, history of colonialism, etc) (4 points)


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