Vignette Analysis Term Paper Help-Differential Diagnosis for Sara

Vignette Analysis Term Paper Help-Differential Diagnosis for Sara

Case Questions

1. Formulate a Differential Diagnosis for Sara.  What comorbid  disorders might you see?  Support your ideas by discussing what you see  in the vignette utilizing your course readings thoroughly in your diagnostic formulation.  What information would you look for to confirm your diagnostic impression and why?
2. Choose two (2) theoretical models to explain to explain Sara’s  clinical presentation and suggested treatment modalities.  Support your  ideas by discussing the models directly and specifically to Sara.


Sara is a 38 year old woman who was referred by her  employer for mandatory counseling. She presents as markedly underweight,  in baggy clothing.  She tested positive for amphetamine on a recent  random test at work and is on suspension. It is obvious that Sara does  not want to be there, but knows she must cooperate to get her job back.   Sara is currently taking anti-psychotic medication and mood  stabilizers.  When you ask her why, she tells you that “my shrink thinks  I’m nuts. OK, I admit that sometimes I think the devil is telling me to  kill myself, but I never do it. I just cut myself  instead. Nothing  serious, just a scratch here and there”. She admits that,  “a couple of  drinks or a line, calms the beast and the voices stop”.  She also admits  to loving excitement and risk taking.  “I love it when my mind races  and I just hop in the car and go.  Messes with my job sometimes, but who  cares”…,

All discussions must take into account the legal and ethical  considerations, as well as issues of culture and human diversity that  may pertain to the vignettes above.  Legal and Ethical information  is in Chapter 16 of the course text. Cultural information is covered  throughout the course text and DSM 5. You may use alternative cultural  resources to enhance your work.

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