Victim, Creator, and Growth

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GU101 Student Success

Assignment W3 (80 points)

“Victim, Creator, and Growth”

This week, you took the victim vs. creator assessment. For this assignment, you will make some important connections between information from this week and last week.

Use Microsoft Word to prepare your assignment. You will attach the Word document to the assignment dropbox (do not type directly into the dropbox).

Refer to the Pocket Keys for Writers to cite and list your sources for this paper.

Remember to include the following information on the top left margin of your paper:

Your Name

GID Number


Today’s Date

Address each of the following items in your paper.

Interpretation of victim/creator quiz results

In a paragraph of at least 250 words, share your results from the victim vs. creator assessment. Given these results, explain what that means about you and how you are likely to react in the face of a challenging situation. Why is your reaction important in a university setting?

Summary of Growth Mindset article

First, access our online library (EBSCOhost). In the search box, type Dweck growth mindset. Select one of the articles to read, and be sure to record the title of the article, author(s) and source. Second, summarize the main points of the article. Here is how you write a summary: after you read one paragraph, stop and jot down the “take away” point from that passage. Then go on to the next paragraph. You must use your own words, you cannot copy the author’s wording. If your article is composed of 32 paragraphs, your summary will consists of 32 sentences.

Compare victim/creator with growth/fixed mindsets

In another paragraph of at least 250 words, compare the victim, creator and growth mindsets, using your own words and examples. How are they similar, and how do they differ?

Compare searches for sources

Last week, you searched the internet for an article about Dweck’s growth mindset. Describe how many sources you found, and what kinds of sources they were (videos, books, articles, advertisements, etc.). This week, you only searched EBSCOhost for an article on Dweck’s growth mindset. Discuss the results of this search – how did you limit the search, how many sources did you find, and what kinds of sources were they.


Here is the grading rubric for this assignment.

(Note that all assignments go through a plagiarism detection software known as SafeAssign; if SafeAssign determines that some of your work is the same as other authors’ works, you will receive a grade of “1.” The first time this occurs, your instructor may opt to give you a second chance to submit original work. However, any future incidents of plagiarism will result in a Code of Conduct violation report, and the result may include possibly failing the assignment, failing the course, or even being expelled from college.)

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