Assessment: Epidemiology of Suicide / substance abuse / violence in communities (3,000-word assignment)



Explore a common health care issue in mental health.


Students must provide evidence that they have searched the topic using SCOPUS or similar and that they have considered and managed the literature. You should look at journal articles to give you an idea of structure for this paper

 Structure of your paper

This paper is 3,000 words or up to12 pages time new roman font 12 and double line spaced.

Consider using the following main headings with sub headings for the major part of the paper.

 Introduction and Statement of Objectives

Introduce your assignment and state the objectives for the paper. Clear focused introduction with aims and definitions provided with citation

Significance of Topic

Clear statement of significance with supporting literature Why is this a significant topic for contemporary debate? Use the literature to support this claim


Provide a section with definitions of terms used in the paper to clarify these and use the literature to support your definitions (in other words cite the literature to demonstrate where the definitions came from). Provide a section with definitions of terms used in the paper to Extensive use of the literature and citation of government or WHO statistical sources

 Provide an overview of this population and it’s unique characters

Provide an overview of the literature pertaining to this topic Clear description and critique. This section will most likely be divided into sub headings for each theme emerging from the literature. This means you need to read the literature as a whole and consider what the themes are.

Recommendations for Practice

Makes substantive recommendations and considers barriers and promoting factors. Provide a section re recommendations for practice and consider practice change.

How could this population be engaged in care?


Provide a conclusion to your paper


Your references need to be in APA 6th edition format and your paper should be in third person past tense.

Use headings to structure your paper.

 Assignment requirements:

  1. The assignment must be typewritten in Times New Roman size 12 font.
  2. Text must be double spaced.
  3. A margin of 3 cm on the left side of each page and margins or 2.5cm each at the right side, top and bottom of each page
  4. Main headings for each section you are discussing should be bolded and left justified, one double space above the first line of text.
  5. Pages must be numbered consecutively, beginning at the Introduction i.e. page one of your text. Pagination is provided in top right-hand corner as with this course guide. See APA.
  6. The use of direct quotes should be kept to a minimum and if used need to be in “parenthesis” and indicate the page number of the source with the citation.

Marks Will be deducted for not following these requirements

Referencing and Writing

Students are to show evidence of research into the topic; reading beyond the required textbook for this course. References used must be relevant to the topic, and should be contemporary (within last 5 to 10 years). The types of references used can include textbooks, journal articles, professional organisations, and government policies.


Students are discouraged from using any internet information that is from an unauthorised or non-professional organisation or written for the public rather than health care professionals (such as personal Web logs, Wikipedia). Note Google Scholar has a mixture of peer reviewed and non-peer reviewed work so use with caution.

Students must reference all information, using appropriate in text referencing according to the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition style of referencing.

Students must also include a reference list at the end of their assignment, formatted according to APA referencing style

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