Rationale  :


The report and presentation should demonstrate that students can use academic theory and relate it to practice in the area of leadership. By asking students to examine leadership practices within one organisation, students will be required to relate academic theory to practice and demonstrate an understanding of how leadership impacts on organisational sustainability.


Research objective :

This research will examine how leadership theory and practice has impacted upon Coca cola sustainability. It will also


About the report :


The report word limit is 3500 words (+/-10%) excluding appendices and reference list.


Using the organisation you researched in Part 1: Group presentation, you are required to address the following:


‘Using examples from ONE organisation of your choice, examine how leadership theory and practice has impacted upon organisation sustainability.’


To do this, you must

1-      Critically evaluate at least 2 leadership theories and demonstrate how these theories relate to leadership practices occurring within the chosen organisation.

2-      Select 4 additional topics covered within the lectures. Discuss and critically evaluate the relevance of these topics for the organisation of your choice

3-       Draw on a range of academic literature to provide supporting evidence for your discussion.


Individual report – 70% of your overall unit mark Students must submit an individual written assignment of 3500 words (+/-10%) via Turnitin. The assignment must address the following:


‘Using examples from ONE organisation of your choice, examine how leadership theory and practice has impacted upon organisation sustainability.’[1]

This is an academic assignment and you will be expected to draw on a range of academic, peer-reviewed literature to support your assignment. Students scoring in the higher marking bands will have demonstrated a good understanding of the literature and that they have read beyond the scope of what is covered in the lectures and seminar

70% of your overall unit mark Students must submit an individual written assignment of 3500 words (+/-10%) via Turnitin. The assignment must address the following: ‘Using examples from ONE organisation of your choice, examine how leadership theory and practice has impacted upon organisation sustainability.’[1] This is an academic assignment and you will be expected to draw on a range of academic, peer-reviewed literature to support your assignment. Students scoring in the higher marking bands will have demonstrated a good understanding of the literature and that they have read beyond the scope of what is covered in the lectures and seminars.






1 In terms of conceptualising ‘organisational sustainability’, we draw upon Colbert and Kurucz (2007) colloquial definition of sustainability as being to “keep the business going”. Wales (2013) states another frequently used term in this context refers to the “future proofing” of organizations.

You are required to draw upon at least two leadership theories and critically evaluate them in relation to the organisation you have chosen to examine. However, in addition to this, during the unit we cover the following key elements:  Unethical leadership/ the dark side of leadership  Leadership, gender and diversity  Leadership self-awareness, EQ and resilience  Leading teams and others  Global and strategic leadership  Leadership development  Generational expectations of leadership You must select four of the above elements to discuss and critically evaluate these within your assignment (using appropriate academic literature) and relate these to the organisation which you are using as an example.  Credit will be given to those who demonstrate a comprehensive understating of contemporary leadership issues and literature which draws on a wide scope of materials covered within this unit. The individual assignment will be marked in accordance with the Generic Level M marking guide, see Appendix 1 for the full guide. Please make sure you read this guide and have a clear understanding of the criteria and expectations. However, please be aware that there are 5 elements to be covered in this assignment – the leadership theories element and the 4 leadership topic areas – please make sure you balance your assignment to reflect these (i.e. do not allocate too much of your word count to any one area).




Assignment Format


Your paper must comply with the following criteria:

Arial 12 font type and size to be used;

1” margins top, bottom and sides;

Headers or footers where appropriate;

Word processed and 1.5 spaced;

You may use headings/sub-headings where appropriate throughout your assignment.

Spell checked and grammar-checked;

Written in an appropriate, clear style of English

Well structured, organised, logical and coherent




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