Urgent Essay Writing Service: Which theories is superior in explaining both this incident and the future of NATO?

Urgent Essay Writing Service: Which theories is superior in explaining both this incident and the future of NATO?

1. On March 29, 2004, the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania joined NATO. A little over a year later, on September 15, 2005, a Russian fighter jet intruded into the Lithuanian airspace and crashed on Lithuania’s territory. This incident prompted a debate in these states about a belated response from NATO and the commitment of their NATO allies to the Baltic security. 2. • How does this incident “fit” into the structural theories we have discussed – (neo)realism and Neo-liberalism? 3. • What view do these theories offer regarding NATO’s future? 4. • Which of these theories is superior in explaining both this incident and the future of NATO? 5. • Are the explanations drawn from these structural theories immune from drawbacks? If not, 6. what can remedy them? Explain. Summarize event and answer each subsequent question (2-6) in 1-2 paragraphs.

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