Urgent Essay Writing Service: What is mountain top removal and what is its main purpose

Urgent Essay Writing Service: What is mountain top removal and what is its main purpose

1. What is mountain top removal and what is its main purpose? (.5 page)

2. What are the different pro-coal mining and anti-coal mining arguments made throughout the

film? Name both the proponents and opponents of the coal mining industry, while also

indicating specific environmental ethics frameworks these entities use to express their views. Refer

to Land Ethics lecture. (1 page)

3. Discuss the externalities of coal mining mentioned over the course of the film. Is coal a

“cheap” source of energy? Be thoughtful and specific. (1 page)

4. Although the anti-coal activists in the film did not use this language specifically, explain what might constitute environmental injustice in the context of coal mining in Eastern Kentucky. Refer to Environmental Justice lecture. (.5 page)

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