Urgent Essay Writing Service: Explain why the belief in the possibility of unlimited growth must give way to a new paradigm, if we are to live well in the Anthropocene

Urgent Essay Writing Service: Explain why the belief in the possibility of unlimited growth must give way to a new paradigm, if we are to live well in the Anthropocene

1. Compare and Contrast the “Respect Nature”, “Ownership and Control of Environments”, and “Landscapes in the Service of Remote Consumers” paradigms. In your response, be certain to include:
–The effects on the environment of each paradigm.
— The social justice and human equity implications of each paradigm.
— From a Human-Ecological perspective, what are the good and bad points of each paradigm?

2. Explain why the belief in the possibility of unlimited growth must give way to a new paradigm, if we are to live well in the Anthropocene. Include an explanation of why programs to bring the poor up to the levels of profligacy enjoyed by the rich are impossible.


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