Urgent Essay Writing Service:-Explain and give examples of how the particular      outcomes of a study can suggest if a particular threat is likely to have been presen.

Urgent Essay Writing Service:-Explain and give examples of how the particular      outcomes of a study can suggest if a particular threat is likely to have been presen.

  1. Explain and give examples of how the particular      outcomes of a study can suggest if a particular threat is likely to have      been presen.
  2. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of      quasi-experiments? What is the fundamental weakness of a quasi-experimental      design? Why is it a weakness? Does its weakness always matter?
  3. If you randomly assign participants to groups, can you      assume the groups are equivalent at the beginning of the study? At the      end? Why or why not? If you cannot assume equivalence at either end, what      can you do? Please explain.
  4. Describe each of the following types of designs,      explain its logic, and why the design does or does not address the      selection threats discussed in Chapter 7 of Trochim and Donnelly (2006):
    1. Non-equivalent control group pretest only
    2. Non-equivalent control group pretest/posttest
    3. Cross-sectional
    4. Regression-Discontinuity
  5. Why are quasi-experimental designs used more often than      experimental designs?
  6. One conclusion you might reach (hint) after completing      the readings for this assignment is that there are no bad designs, only      bad design choices (and implementations). State a research question for      which a single-group post-test only design can yield relatively      unambiguous findings.


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