Urgent Essay Writing Service: Define deferred imitation and preoperational period.

Urgent Essay Writing Service: Define deferred imitation and preoperational period.


1.  What is the effect of stress on learning?

2.  What is the latest research telling us about neuroscience, brain development and learning in infants?

3.  Define sensorimotor period, reflexes, substages, object permanence, synapses, and hippocampus.

4.  List the first four (4) substages of sensorimotor learning.

5.  Define cooing, neurons, expressive language, receptive language and language acquisition device.

6.  List five (5) facts about babies’ brains from neuroscience.

7.  List three (3) key findings from Hart and Risley.

8.  List ten (10) principles of sensorimotor development.

9.  Define midline hand coordination.

10.  Describe materials for visual reaching.



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