Urgent Essay Writing Service: Course Project On The Respiratory System 

Urgent Essay Writing Service: Course Project On The Respiratory System

Course Project On The Respiratory System

This week you will prepare a rough draft of your Power Point  Presentation. You will submit your rough draft for peer review to the  discussion forum. Throughout the week, you will receive feedback on the  content and quality of your presentation in the discussions. Use the  feedback you receive from classmates throughout the week to further  refine your rough draft before submitting it for grading at the end of  the week. You will also submit the rough draft for a grade and feedback  from the professor.

Your Power Point Presentation should include the following items:

  1. Title Page (5 pts)
    1. Unique Title for the Presentation
    2. Your name
  2. Content (8-10 slides of content) (35 pts)
    1. The bodily system chosen for the project
    2. A brief introduction of the bodily system for audience understanding
    3. The features and responsibilities of the system
    4. Additional findings or outcomes of the system
    5. A tentative conclusion, summary of the presentation
  3. References (10 pts)
    1. List of sources used to create the content of the presentation
    2. Format research sources in APA formatting
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