Urgent Essay Writing Service: comparison to exclusion of Chinese/Japanese-before, U.S use “unassimilable” as an excuse to exclusion Chinese/Japanese

Urgent Essay Writing Service: comparison to exclusion of Chinese/Japanese-before, U.S use “unassimilable” as an excuse to exclusion Chinese/Japanese

The U.S government made the immigration act is based on U.S national benefits and react to social situation at that time, rather than depending on they are assimilated or not.”)

There are 3 historical moments/processes in the article (below), so it should be 3 parts in the body of essay, each part mention one process, how that proof my thesis is correct?

1)”benevolent assimilation”U.S “duty” to educate and protect Filipinos

but actually Filipinos don’t have freedom in U.S, they were being cheap labor in U.S.

compare to exclusion of Chinese/Japanese-bofore, U.S use “unassimible” as a excuse to exclusion Chinese/Japanese, but now, “unassimible” was no longer as excuse to exclude people. U.S exclude people is based on U.S national benefits and react to social situation at that time. When U.S need immigrator, Filipinos were welcome to immigrate to U.S. When U.S no longer need them, U.S exclude Filipinos.

2)Job competition resulted in great depression, racial violence (in article)

American think Filipinos was steal jobs from their American workers. But the fact is that Filipinos just worked the jobs that white Americans did not want. Finally, they were excluded by U.S. So my thesis can be proved- The U.S government made the immigration act is based on U.S national benefits, rather than depending on they are assimilated or not.

Racial scapegoat : Americans wanted to figure out a group to blame for problems of nation. Filipinos as the scapegoat to blame for great depression.

3) Decolonisation and exclusion, 1934 Tydings-McDuffle Act, loss legal status, become alien (P.243, 244)

The Philippines become an independent country after a ten-year transition period, Under the act, it established limitations on Filipino immigration to the US.

Introduction: why we talk about Filipinos immigrate and policy. The driving forces to form policy: good or bad immigrates groups

Conclusion: How article shape American policy.

content can be include in 3 historical moments/processes

how does the article help deepen understand of the key words ? (interventionism, paternalism, repatriation, invisible empire, compassion fatigue, model minority, uneven power of relations, colonialism, imperialism, colonization, statehood)  please include keywords in the essay!

Any issue that the author could have mention to strengthen the argument? how would it enrich the author’s argument?

comparison to exclusion of Chinese/Japanese-before, U.S use “unassimilable” as an excuse to exclusion Chinese/Japanese,

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