Urgent Essay Help- What role have you played in the decision making process in a working environment. What types of decision making tools have you utilized in past experience.

Urgent Essay Help- What role have you played in the decision making process in a working environment. What types of decision making tools have you utilized in past experience.

Differentiate between leadership roles and management functions and compare and contrast the characteristics and traits that are required to be successful in carrying out these roles and functions. Identify the characteristics and traits that you see yourself as having.

Identify the characteristics of a successful decision maker and describe the importance of the individual in the decision making process. What role have you played in the decision making process in a working environment. What types of decision making tools have you utilized in past experience.

Discuss/ describe an ethical dilemma you have faced either in current nursing practice, during a clinical rotation or in a current work situation. Identify which ethical principle(s) were being violated and how.

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